Sunday, April 21, 2024 - 4:00PM

Dear Members,

The Annual Meeting of the Wicks Creek Homeowners Association (WCHA) will be held Sunday, April 21, 2024, at 4:00PM at the Wicks Creek Recreation Area.

The 2023 expenses and completed projects, 2024-25 operation budget and Capital Reserve project proposals, and 2024-25 project ideas will be presented and discussed. We will also discuss the Reserve Fund Assessment and Annual Dues increase.

Elections will be held for:

  • Officers (1 Year Term): President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary

  • Board Members (2 Year Term): 4 positions to be filled

  • Committee Chairs: Swimming, Tennis, Grounds, Membership, Social & Communications/Website

This is a great time to get involved in your neighborhood and meet new people. By donating a small amount of your time to your association, you can make a big difference in Wicks Creek.

Our governing documents require that a quorum of the Lot Owners be present in person or by proxy to hold the Annual Meeting. If you cannot attend, please complete, sign and date the proxy that you received in the mail, and give it to a trusted neighbor, board member, or officer who will be at the meeting.

Back to School Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt!

On Sunday, July 30th, starting at 4PM, the neighborhood kids will be on the hunt for People, Pets, Photos and Memories!

This will be a Photo Scavenger Hunt of the neighborhood. Teams of kids will be tasked with taking photos of people, places and things around the neighborhood. Think "take a picture with a Golden Retriever", "take a picture of a neighbor with red hair"... etc. Some of the items on the list may require someone to knock on your door. If you are not comfortable with this, or will not be available, we will be providing a RED or GREEN piece of paper for you to put on your front door indicating that you are or are not participating in the scavenger hunt. The kids will be instructed not to bother anyone that has a RED piece of paper on their door, as well as to be respectful of their neighbors property and privacy. You will be receiving this information in your mailbox, along with the colored pieces of paper as well. 

The Scavenger Hunt will conclude at the pool with a pizza party and a viewing of the photos taken by the teams!

If you would like your children to participate in the scavenger hunt or if you are interested in helping with the event, please contact Julie at

Please feel free to contact a member of the board if you have any questions or concerns. 

We look forward to sending the kids back to school with great memories of their summer in Wicks Creek with their friends and neighbors!